Prayers, Possibilities, and Purpose: Discovering What You Have Yet to Give in Retirement

by | Jan 9, 2025 | Retirement Planning | 0 comments

A person praying with the sun on the background

Do you remember the days when you prayed for the very things you have now?

For me, those days may seem like a distant memory, but I recall them vividly. They were moments that shaped who I am today and helped me appreciate the blessings, most especially being a retirement and financial coach, that I’ve received throughout my life.

The Reason We Pray

Throughout our marriage, my wife and I have prayed for many of the blessings we now have. We’ve prayed for faithfulness to our wedding vows, for good health, for the ability to have children, and for guidance through life’s challenges when we didn’t know where else to turn.

Looking back, I realized that much of the reason we prayed most times was out of a deep sense of need—sometimes even desperation. And I believe that’s something many of us can relate to.
In life, there are moments when we pray from a place of desperation.

As they say, “There are no atheists in foxholes.” Ask any military veteran, and they’ll tell you how in the most difficult moments, faith becomes a lifeline.

For my wife and me, there have been many times in our marriage when we’ve prayed out of desperation. We’ve both faced health challenges that brought us to our knees. We’ve prayed for financial turnarounds, for clarity in tough decisions, and for the suffering of a loved one to end quickly.

In those moments, prayer became our refuge, a way to hold on when we couldn’t see the way forward. It was our way of asking for help and trusting that we wouldn’t face it alone.

At other times in life, we pray with hope. We prayed that God would bless us with a family. He has done so. Our first daughter arrived within 13 months of getting married. Our second daughter arrived 6 years and 2 months later. We are truly blessed to have such love in our family.

And there were also times when we weren’t sure what to pray for. Between the births of our first and second daughters, we experienced the heartbreak of five miscarriages. Five times we felt the rush of hope and excitement, only to face five waves of disappointment and even despair. And if that wasn’t enough, we were also dealing with cancer radiation treatments at the same time.

When we found out we were pregnant with our youngest daughter, we couldn’t help but be skeptical. After all, we had already experienced six pregnancies and only had one child. How were we supposed to react? In my heart, I knew that with God, all things are possible—but this rollercoaster ride was wearing thin.

And yet, as time passed, we realized how wrong we were to doubt. We had become so focused on what we might lose, that we forgot to look at the possibilities ahead. As Jesus once said to His disciples, “Ye of little faith”—and we certainly were guilty as charged. Our doubts clouded our hearts, but in the end, our fears were replaced with overwhelming joy as we held our new baby in our arms.

Looking back, it became clear: God had more faith in us than we did in Him. He brought us through our doubts and fears, showing us that even in our lowest moments, there is hope and possibility.

How Limiting Beliefs Can Shape Us

Chains locked with a padlock

These days, however, a common theme we see in our prayers is asking God to help us see our own potential for His benefit. In other words, we pray that we can overcome our own self-inflicted limiting negative beliefs.

We now possess in our lives, the things that we prayed for years ago. Yet limiting negative beliefs can creep in at any time. These beliefs can be from a traumatic experience from years ago or they can be from a habit that developed slowly over time.

Public speaker Les Brown has a famous 1:29 video on YouTube about imagining your own deathbed.

“Imagine if you will being on your deathbed, and standing around your bed, the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life, and that you for whatever reason never acted on those ideas, you never pursued those dreams, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying we came to you and only you could have given us life. Now we must die with you forever.

The question is, if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts would die with you?” He said. It’s a question that resonates with all of us, one we can reflect on and ponder as we look back on our own lives.

Uncover What You Can Achieve in Your Retirement Years

Your retirement years offer the perfect opportunity to explore new talents, dreams, and abilities that you might not have had the chance to nurture during your working career. You’ve given it your all, leaving everything on the field during your professional journey. Now, as you step into retirement, it’s time to reflect on what dreams, talents, and gifts you still have to offer.

One story that may inspire you as you begin to answer this question is that of Denzel Washington. In a powerful graduation speech, Denzel shared a pivotal moment that helped him uncover his purpose and realize what he could bring to the world.

At just 20 years old, Denzel had dropped out of college and was working in his mother’s hair salon. One day, while he was working, a customer suddenly interrupted him, pulling the hair dryer away from her head. She looked at Denzel and said, “Young man, I have a prophecy—a spiritual prophecy. You are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people.”

Can you imagine being that woman? The power of simply believing in someone, of speaking an affirmative truth aloud, can make an incredible impact. We often don’t realize the potential we hold to inspire others with just a few words.

The truth is, when we help others rise, we inevitably lift ourselves as well. That’s how life works. At times, we might not get what we deserve, but we are often given far more than we could ever expect.

As Rocky Balboa once told his son, life isn’t about how hard you get hit or how many times you fall—it’s about how many times you get back up after each blow.

Sometimes, we underestimate what’s possible—just like we once underestimated God’s faith in us as parents to enlarge our family. We thought our limitations were real, but our daughter proved us wrong. Her strong will and unapologetic sassiness have been a reminder that strength often comes from places we least expect.

It’s Time To Seize That Opportunity

A man happily hiking

In retirement, you have the opportunity to learn and grow your talents. Some of us have natural math skills. Some of us have money. Some of us have kindness. Some of us can see opportunity in others. But whatever your talent or ability is, you must share it.

The world needs more of what you have to give. By sharing your talents, you can inspire someone to believe in themselves, which is where true legacy begins. When we lift others up, we inevitably lift ourselves in the process. That’s the beauty of generosity—by building others, we build ourselves.

I still remember the days when I prayed for the things I now have in my life. I’m living with more than I ever imagined, and I’m deeply grateful for all of it. If you’re unsure what to pray for today, I encourage you to pray that God will bring someone into your life whom you can lift up.

Someone you can believe in.

Someone to whom you can offer what you have—whether it’s wisdom, time, or kindness—to make the world just a little bit better.

Paul Bigard

Licensed Real Estate Broker, and Financial and Life Coach for Retirement
You’ve spent your whole life being ready and prepared for work. Isn’t it time to do the same for your retirement?

I’ve witnessed firsthand what retirement without a plan looks like. My father lost his sense of purpose and outlook on life after retiring from running his business without a well-thought-out strategy. This experience has driven me to help others avoid being on that path by finding purpose even beyond retirement.

The secret to embracing a fulfilling retirement is having faith in yourself. Trust in your abilities to transition gracefully. With the right guidance and planning, you can face retirement confidently and embrace the opportunities it brings.

What’s Your Retirement Personality Type?

Planning for retirement goes beyond finances; it's about aligning your money with your mindset. Take this quiz to discover your Retirement Personality Type and learn how to create a balanced plan that ensures both financial security and a fulfilling future.

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